Unconventional Minds Coaching - Sliding Scale

For my 6-month coaching program, all coaching fees are based on a sliding scale.


At Unconventional Minds, we use the Green Bottle sliding scale framework as the basis for determining sliding scale fees, instead of the more common and "conventional" income-based sliding scale. This section provides more info about the Framework, and the next section below the framework image details the tiers of the sliding scale.

The Green Bottle approach considers personal financial experience and financial privilege. The Green Bottle Framework, concept, and infographic were originally created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk, and additions were made to the below infographic by Britt Hawthorne. The Green Bottle Framework is used by Unconventional Minds Coaching with specific written permission to do so from its original creator, Alexis J. Cunningfolk.

Please note that, because the below framework/infographic is not our original work, some elements do not apply to all clients of Unconventional Minds Coaching. For example, a significant proportion of our clients reside outside of the United States and/or are undocumented migrants; a couple of descriptions below specifically apply only to people who 1) reside in the United States, and/or 2) to people who are either documented citizens or documented residents of the nation-state in which they live, e.g. "...qualify[ing] for public aid." With this in mind, please disregard the descriptions that do not apply to you, or consider what the roughly equivalent measurement might be for your particular situation and location.

 UMC's sliding scale fees for 1:1 coaching

NB: paying the deposit secures your spot on the sliding scale waitlist.

Tier 3 - full green bottle

Total fee: standard fee of US$7000

Payment Plan: Deposit of US$1600 + Six (6) monthly installments of US$900

Tier 2 - half green bottle

Total fee: US$5000

Payment Plan: Deposit of US$998 + Six (6) monthly installments of US$667

3-4 spots available per year

Tier 1 - partially green bottle

This tier is intended for those with limited financial resources who will benefit from being supplemented by others.

Total Fee: US$3000

Payment Plan: Deposit of US$600 + Six monthly installments of US$400

2-3 spots available per year